Sunday, February 25, 2007


Nope, I haven't forgotten about the Snuggle Project.  I'm still working on it, just not as ambitiously as I could.  I do have a few done, however so here are the finished products!  I just get so easily distracted!!

The purple one is a cotton mat that I was originally going to use as a placemat many years ago.  I saw a design in Knitter's Magazine by Lily Chin, I believe.  It is knitted in the round, with a few temporary sts in between the "sides", then framed by a twisted st.  It is cut up the middle of the temporary sts, they are unraveled for fringe.  The twisted st keeps everything in place.  In my design, I used a linen stitch so it would look like a woven mat.  It is a reversible stitch, too, so it looks nice on both sides. You can see that I made my slipped sts too tight, cause the ends ripple.  So I never finished the placemats, but this will make a nice mat for a sweet furcritter who needs some comfort. 

Along the same lines, the green mat is my better attempt at the knit & cut.  Again it is made in the round with temporary sts at the "sides" with a twisted st to hold it all together.  This one was done in stocking st, so I put a seed st border around the whole thing to keep it flat.  I started to fray the fringe, but it didn't look right, so I left it as is.  It is nice & soft & cozy! 

The brown & cream one is a fisherman rib st, reversible so both sides look nice.  This one is wonderfully thick, so I think it will be best for the purpose it is intended to serve!  I may possibly do more mats with this st, because it does make it so cushiony & soft!  Then again, I love to experiment with new st patterns, so who knows what I may come up with next!   Its a nice feeling that I might make a difference in the life of a helpless animal!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Stitch Pattern For Tribble's Blanket!

I had a request for the stitch pattern used in Tribble's Blanket (aka Snuggle Blanket)!  I modified a brick slip stitch pattern found in an old Better Homes & Gardens afghan book.  It may exist "published" out there somewhere!  So here is how I did it...Have fun!

CO a multiple of 5 sts, minimum of 10 sts.

Colors A (main color) & B (or small amounts of multiple colors, if you'd like!)

Row 1 - With color A, K across.
Row 2 - With color A, P across.
Row 3 - With color B, K2, *slip one with yarn in back, K4, repeat from * to last 3 sts, slip one, K2.
Row 4 - With color B, P2 ,*slip one with yarn in front, P4, repeat from * to last 3 sts, slip one, P2. 

Repeat rows 1-4. 

Obviously in my version, I used a different color every time for my "color B"!  I wove the ends in as I knit, so it wouldn't make me crazy at the end trying to finish it off!  I also put a wide garter stitch border around it, because it does curl.  This afghan was a great way to use those small scraps in an attractive way.  Enjoy! 

Monday, January 15, 2007

Snuggle One!

My first snuggle is completed, however, I think its too late for this one.  Tribble has claimed it for his own.  I'd really rather it go to a dog in need (that's why I made it!), but Tribble must need one too.  He is a rescue, so I don't think he had many "things" of his own.  So here it will stay.  You can see him cuddling up with it in his bed in the pictures.

So, I started another one.  In my laziness, I wanted to make it in the round, cause it goes so much quicker.  I saw this techinque in Knitters Magazine using cotton & thought "why not?"  So, this one is about 18x18, I made it in plain stockinette stitch, with seed stitch borders &  twisted stitch at either side.  I left 4 plain stitches in between the side borders. 

After binding off, I *gasp* cut between the 4 stitches!  I unraveled them, so they make a fringe & believe it or not, it won't unravel!  The twist stitch helps keep it together.  I may comb out the ends so it will be a fluffy fringe & it will be more cozy.  Crazy, ain't it?! 

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Blankets of Love

I found a group on the internet called "Snuggle's Project", which makes blankets for shelter animals, whether it be dog or cat.  We have a shelter very near home that is a participant in the project, so I can just drop them off when I'm done.  I'm almost done with my first, another scrap yarn blanket done in small scale! 

I used black as the main color & tried using up some of the many scraps for the contrasting colors.  I used a brick-type slip stitch pattern.  The effect is like a stained glass & its really turning out well!  It allowed me to use some of those...uh..."interesting" color scraps!  As you can see from the picture, it will need to be edged all around.  I'm thinking maybe a knitted on garter stitch edging. 

Now, if only I can convince my little dog Tribble that its not HIS blanket!  I may just have to keep this one & move onto the next for the shelter!   

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy Felted New Year!

Happy New Year to all!  Its been a felted holiday for me.  The latest bag is finished & it came out fabulously!  I sewed on a wooden toggle button for a closure & it goes nicely.  This will be a great "small" bag to take along a knitting project.  Just what I wanted!  However, while it was drying, my daughter (the thief!) saw it & said, "Oh, this is cool, is this mine?!"  I told her to please step away from the bag, she already got hers, but I could see that look in her eye.  So I've been keeping it hidden!

Latest news, we have another dog.  He's part Pomeranian, part Yorkie (supposedly!) & his name is Tribble.  He is shown sporting a quick little project I made for him, a jingle bell collar.  I spotted a version of this in the local petstore, & thought (of course!), "I can make this!"  So I did!  I had the leftover yarn & some jingle bells, so other than time, it was a freebie.  I made short row triangles, the knitted on the I-cord tie.  Quick & fun, although Tribble only tolerated wearing it long enough for a few pictures!

Also  show inside my new felted tote is a book my husband bought me for Christmas.  It is called "Yarn Harlot" & it is a hilarious look at the secret life of an obsessed knitter.   A very entertaining read for any knitter!  I could relate to many of her adventures & misadventures, & I realized, this woman writes from my soul!  Check it out!