Saturday, December 24, 2005

Bookmarks The Spot!

The secret is out of the bag, or wrapping paper in this case!  I made some bookmarks for the ladies at work.  These were very fun, & I used a lot of pretty lacy stitch patterns that I just loved.  I had some fine white baby cotton left over, perfect for bookmarkers.  I also used some multi colored sock cotton, but I didn't have a lot of it, plus it is a bit...wild!  Since they had few stitches they worked up very quickly & I was able to have them completed in a week.  Many thanks go to my sweet husband for making up little envelopes for them, since I was still knitting them late Tuesday evening! 

Many of these feature the lacy faggotting stitch that I fell in love with during my stitch pattern search.  All have relatively the same stitch count, but the sizes vary due to lateral spread of the lacy stitches.  I tried some different finishes also, some have tassels, others have beads, some have twisted cord, some have I cord.  Some patterns will follow!  Hope you all like these as much as I did!  Merry Christmas to all! 

Lace Bookmark Pattern

Sunday, December 18, 2005


All scarf knitting has been put on temporary hold.  I'm currently in the process of knitting some last minute gift ideas, but I don't want to spill the details here.  There might be prying eyes! 

I need to make 13 small objects, & I have 7 completed so far.  I started this past Wednesday evening, so I'm doing pretty well considering.  I trying to have them completed by this coming Wednesday.  I have to block the objects, so I need to be sure to have time for that as well.  I'm very excited by this project, so I'm motivated to complete them.  Of course, I will take pictures of the items & post them here after the recipients have them. 

Cross your fingers for me & say a little prayer to the Knitting Goddess above to grant me speed!

Offline to knit away!  Be back soon!

Monday, December 5, 2005

How Many More Times?

Well, maybe one more.  Again, I've started, gotten a good way in & realized I still won't have enough yarn to finish.  My daughter doesn't want a really lacy pattern, otherwise that would probably work.  So we settled on making it much narrower that originally planned.  

My discouragement with this project is reflecting in the fact that I just haven't knitted much on it.  I finally snapped pics of what I had, then...sigh.  I frogged it & started over.  I'm using the same stitch pattern shown here, just using only 2 repeats.  I'm a good few inches into it so far, but I'm not sure this pattern will work on such a narrow scale.  So that means more swatching.  Sigh. 

I'm sure we are all alike in that we want it to work the first time.  I was just going to settle for making a hat from this yarn, but I'll give it one more chance.  If it doesn't work this time...its hat city!