Sunday, December 18, 2005


All scarf knitting has been put on temporary hold.  I'm currently in the process of knitting some last minute gift ideas, but I don't want to spill the details here.  There might be prying eyes! 

I need to make 13 small objects, & I have 7 completed so far.  I started this past Wednesday evening, so I'm doing pretty well considering.  I trying to have them completed by this coming Wednesday.  I have to block the objects, so I need to be sure to have time for that as well.  I'm very excited by this project, so I'm motivated to complete them.  Of course, I will take pictures of the items & post them here after the recipients have them. 

Cross your fingers for me & say a little prayer to the Knitting Goddess above to grant me speed!

Offline to knit away!  Be back soon!


Anonymous said...

Wow!  My fingers are crossed and I am holding my breath to see what you are up to!!!  Don't keep us in suspense for too long!!!!  ;)


Anonymous said...

love the things you do look forward to seeing them keep up the good work