Friday, February 20, 2004

Serious Illness...Maybe?

In searching the internet & medical books, I've discovered that I have a serious illness. It is considered to be rather rare, as it is not common in the general public. It seems to affect only a small group of people. There is loads of information regarding the symptoms, but no one has put a name to this particular disorder, so I am now! I have discovered CKD-Compulsive Knitting Disorder. 

Symptoms begin when one first learns to knit. In the quest to perfect the craft, a strange trait occurs. They will begin seeking adventure in new colors, then they start experimenting with new textures. Soon they are spotted lurking in the craft aisle, purchasing numerous gadgets such as stitch markers, row counters & point protectors. They begin to acquire more needles & books & patterns. A supply of yarn will begin to accumulate. 

These individuals are compulsive in their behavior. Some have been known to hide their yarn purchases in seldom used locations thoughout their homes. Others have chosen to keep the growing stash out of sight by luring friends to store the recent purchase for them. Rumors abound that these individuals will actually LIE to their spouse or significant other about the purchases. 

Another symptom is twitching. This occurs when the individual is without a project. Accompanied by hand wringing, nail biting & a terrified, panicked expression. Beware of approaching the person at these times. It could lead to some form of hostility! 

I have been victim to these various manifestations. I've never tried is having my friend hide my stash. I'm afraid she'll use it!

Sadly, there is no cure at this time. I will update with any new information regarding CKD as it becomes available.  So you know, I am certified in this field. I'm just waiting to find my medical license in that Cracker Jack box! 



Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!!! You will most likely find that medical license in a knitting book or magazine -- you know, stuck between the pages like a subscription card! Just console yourself with knowing that you are not alone in your affliction -- I for one am right there with ya, Sister! Sisters of the Ya Ya Yarnhood!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...hadn't thought about looking in a knitting book. Could be the reason I haven't found it yet! I love the Ya Ya Yarnhood thing! LOL!