Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Colors Of The Rainbow

I have to admit, my first batches of chemo hats weren't the most colorful.  I used more subdued colors, & the combinations were subtle.  Although I personally love bright colors, that doesn't mean I want to wear them.  So the hats were done with that reasoning. 

However, after making the children's hats, & having SO MUCH fun with the color combinations & trim additions, I've decided to be a little more adventurous with color for the adult hats this time.  Some of the donation websites suggest making them brighter & more colorful as well, because it makes the wearer feel happier.  I'm all for that! 

I'm also enjoying the pre-knitting phase more.  Choosing all these fun colors makes the whole process more exciting!  I've babbled before about how much white & off white leftovers I have.  I've been trying to incorporate these more in some of my latest creations.  This is making some of the hats very bright & cheerful.  I'm hoping they will be as well received as the previous batches.  If not, I'm sure the local children's hospital would love to have them as well. 

I've done a few more of the sport weight hats, also.  I don't as much of that as I do the worsted wts, but they make a nice hat.  So nice, I may have to make one or two for me & the family! :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm the same way; I enjoy the pre-knitting phase. I love picking out yarn, and planning the project. :)