Saturday, November 19, 2005

Scarfing It

My teenaged daughter doesn't ask me to knit much for her.  Last week, she came home wearing her friend's scarf.  It was a simple cable scarf, store bought, done in a very soft but inexpensive yarn.  Therefore, it was pilled beyond repair.  But she really liked it.  I was checking it out myself & of course, I said I could make that.  She then asked me to make her a scarf!  Yahoo! 

So off to the yarn stash to see what we've got.  I found a lovely cream wool leftover from a previous project.  I just loved the yarn (still do!) because it is so soft & creamy.  It makes my hands softer as I work with it too!  Then to the stitch library for a nice reversible pattern.  I'm a bit afraid I may not have enough (only 2 balls), so I think a lacy pattern will be best, since it won't use as much.  A-swatching we will go!

After much searching, swatching & deliberation, we settled on a very simple yarn-over rib-type stitch pattern.  The back is rather plain, so I may try to experiment with it to see if I can add some interest without altering the effect on the front side.  Of course, I will post my trials & tribulations here.  I haven't started it yet because I was working out the details of the scarf, but I hope to start it today.  I'm really looking forward to it, but I hope I don't become too bored with 5 feet or so of the same thing back & forth!  Hopefully it will go quickly! 

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