Friday, April 2, 2004

In Need Of Some Therapy

Due to circumstances mostly of my own making, I haven't done as much knitting as I would like.  My daughter had a doctor appt. the other day, so I slapped together the materials for a hat, because they are quick, mindless & portable.  Good thing too, because the Dr. was running way usual!  So now there is a hat on the needles with a few inches done, just in case I have need of a 'quick, grab it' project. 

The sweater is coming along fine, so far.  Since I'm in need of some therapy, which means 'knitting' to me, I'm going to spend some time working on it to soothe my soul today.  There is something about the feel of the yarn running between my fingers, the comfort of the growing material in my hands, the beauty of the knitted stitches...sigh!  There is nothing quite like it to bring peace to my heart.  Sounds like heaven.  Think I'll go to knit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely understand the need for therapy! I am trying to get my new apartment organized before I start any knitting projects, but in the interest of my mental health, I think I am going to have to break that rule! I am in desperate need of that yarn running through my fingers also!
