Monday, March 15, 2004

The Hat Saga Continues...

I dropped off the latest batch of chemo hats, but I made sure to take pictures before they left!  I'm going to post a few pics every few days or so.  There is not too much exciting going on in my knitting life right now, so this will give me something to talk about!  LOL!  Featured in the pictures is a purple & green hat, made with sport weight.  I was able to make quite a few sport wt. hats this time.  Also pictured is a dark & light teal with white worsted wt. Both of these hats are done in the helix spiral.  Most of my hats are done that way now!  Also pictured is a fun mitered hat, each section of the miter is a different color.  It was fun to make & it looks fun, as well.  Cheery rainbow colors should brighten up the darkest day.

I'm still plugging away at the sweater.  Not as often as I would like, so I'm going to have to push myself to finish it.  I haven't made any of the miter squares lately either, because I'm creatively stifled right now.  I have mostly pinks, cream & white, so it makes it difficult to mix different colors.  I need to kick myself to do this as well.  I hate being creatively frustrated like this, cause I just spin my wheels & no knitting gets done.  Once I give myself that "push" over the slump, I'll be back to full force!

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