Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Pictures Of Hats Done So Far!

The chemo hat adventures continue!  They are all the basic roll brim type hat.  I stuffed my models with plastic bags to keep them propped up, but they look sort of lumpy!  Oh well!  I've completed 10 hats so far.  I like to drop them off when I have a dozen, so only 2 more to go!  I admit, I haven't been as diligent with them as I could be.  Other interests have been consuming my time & that thing they call "life" has been interfering as well.  What I have completed has made me happy, though.  I've used up a few skeins & misc. yarn remnants. 

I do most of my knitting in front of the TV.  There hasn't been anything particularly good on lately, so not much knitting has been getting done.  Also, my poor husband slipped on the icy stairs & fell on his back.  The Dr. said he sprained his back & his elbow.  So he's all sore & achy, & whiny, so I've been letting him play his video games in the evening to make him a little happier!  He likes noisy, shooting type games, so I usually leave the room & play on the computer instead.  Fortunately, he is getting better, poor thing! :(  

I do have good intentions of completing more hats in the near future.  I just love doing these hats.  The pattern is permanently etched in my memory now, they are quick, easy, no sewing (yay!) & I can experiment with different colors & sometimes textures, too.  This is what I call fun!


Anonymous said...

so you make these hats for chemo patients? that is sooo sweet.....i had a couple of knitting lessons, but it never sunk into my head......

Anonymous said...

I love your hats; they really like nice. When I was in the hospital a year ago, a woman came in to visit her daughter who was in the room across from mine. The woman was wearing what looked like a fishing hat to me, and I could tell she didn't have any hair under the hat. She was undergoing chemo therapy. Your hats reminded me of that woman. I wish I knew about chemo hats at the time; I would have made sure she had one before I left.