Sunday, January 18, 2004

More Hilarity

My other favorite knitting related story involves my sister.  My mom & my sister are more tolerant of my knitting habits, because they see the things I make.  My sister loved the clothes I made for her baby shower, she preserved them in boxes after my neice grew out of them.  They are getting better though! 

Anyhow, my sister & I took a girls only vacation to the Bahamas.  We were browsing in a clothing store & noticed the sizing was strange...not what we were used to!  We couldn't figure out what size was which, then I remembered something.  I dig in my purse & pull out my plastic knitting charts.  They have loads of helpful information on them, including European size charts!  So I was able to figure out what size we should buy.  She couldn't believe that I had that in my purse & even asked me if I carry it all the time.  "Of course" I said, "you never know where you are going to find yarn to buy, I need to be prepared"!  She shook her head & told me she couldn't believe that I carry that knitty stuff around with me like that! 

Hey, it worked, didn't it?!  Yahoo!  The end result is we were able to buy the correct sizes.  Also she gave me a new phrase (to me, at least!) "knitty stuff"!  I love that term!  Plus, it was a feeling of knitting has served another unusual purpose!  Gotta love these moments of victory!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Knitty stuff". I like that. I always enjoy reading your entries, it's how I relax after work (besides my knitting of course). :)