Monday, December 15, 2003

A Felting We Will Go...

Both the hat & the case are done, I think I'll felt them later today.  I wanted to get a picture of the unfelted hat being worn by my daughter, but I didn't wan't to risk messing up her hair! :)  I had to play around with the edging for the eyeglass case.  I wanted to do an I-cord trim, but it wasn't working out the way I hoped.  Instead, I used a reverse St st & used it to bind the sides of the case together.  It looks pretty good.  I did do I-cord around the flap & opening of the case, so it was a compromise.  I'm still planning on posting some pictures, so stay tuned...I hope to have them today or tomorrow! 


Anonymous said...

I haven't tried felting yet. That's next on my list of things I want to do. I'd like to try a booga bag. :)


Anonymous said...

What is a "booga bag"? I have made a felted tote bag once before. It was fun to do & turned out great. Nice & thick!